Ruby on Rails mailer

Today I made a first attempt to make use of ruby mailer. A volunteer fills out a form and the information is then sent to an administrator.

I generated a mailer called notifier and added the following:

class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base   def volunteer_signup(volunteer, sent_at =     @subject = 'A new volunteer has signed up'     @body = { :title => volunteer.title, :first_name => volunteer.first_name, :last_name => volunteer.last_name,                     :id => }     @recipients = ''     @from = ''     @sent_on = sent_at     @headers = {}     @content_type = 'text/html'   end end

Then I generated a view called volunteer_signup.html.erb

Dear xxx,

<%= @title %><%= @first_name %> <%= @last_name %> has signed up as a new volunteer.

To see his/her information copy the text below into your browser's address bar. http://localhost:3000/volunteers/&lt;%= @id %>

I added the following line to my volunteer_controller create method:


I ran the code and got the following error:

mailer sub type missing: "html"

I ran the debugger and noticed the following;

At /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionmailer-2.0.1/lib/action_mailer/ part.rb:59:in 'to_mail'

59: real_content_type, ctype_attrs = parse_content_type(defaults)

This method takes the content_type of the message "text/html" and splits the string so that variable real_content_type is "html". But then on line 82 it calls;

82: part.set_content_type(real_content_type, nil, ctype_attrs)

def set_content_type( str, sub = nil, param = nil )       if sub         main, sub = str, sub       else         main, sub = str.split(%r</>, 2)         raise ArgumentError, "sub type missing: #{str.inspect}" unless sub       end       if h = @header['content-type']         h.main_type = main         h.sub_type = sub         h.params.clear       else         store 'Content-Type', "#{main}/#{sub}"       end       @header['content-type'].params.replace param if param       str     end

As you can str contains "html" as real_content_type was passed in, sub is nil. It then tries to split this string again, which has been split before. So str will be split into "html" and nil. Since sub is nil, it will raise the error. If I leave @content_type blank, the same error is raised.

Could this be a bug in mailer? If you change str or real_content_type to "text/html" in the debugger, the code will run without errors. I'm new to Ruby on rails, so if this is a bug, please let me know where I should submit it.

Are you using the globalize plugin? Apparently if you comment out 'require "globalize/rails/action_mailer"' in vendor/plugins/globalize/ init.rb the error goes away.. or maybe try updating the plugin if they fixed the bug yet..

I tried updating the plugin but bug isn't fixed. Your suggestion works though.

Hi Franz, instead of commenting out the globalize/rails/action_mailer and disabling the ability to send Mails in different languages hereby, you should extend your email templates with the locale parameter. For example english templates should look like this:

signup_notification.en.text.plain.erb signup_notification.en.text.html.erb

Globalize overrides the Action Mailers create-Method giving it the ability to check for multilanguage extentions, as well as the new Action Mailer(2.0.2) is checking for multipart email extentions. So there is no bug anywhere. Everything will work fine.

For more information read the Rails API, section Multipart email of ActionMailer::Base Class

Best wishes, Roman


Roman's answer hits the nail on the head. I had the same problem and this is exactly what I also concluded. Follow naming convention for localized mailer templates:


Ex.: activation.en-US.text.html.erb

Docs (vendor/plugins/globalize/lib/globalize/rails/action_mailer.rb)