Encoded Columns and ActiveRecord

Yow, no. Wait, yes. You could use a activerecord callback for before_save to change the IP before writing to the database:


but there is no callback for retrieval. Ahha, but we can just overwrite the method in the model:

  def ip     self.ip.gsub /2/, '3'   end

Would replace 2s with 3s.

But really, why not just store it as a string? Why do you want to store it as a number? It isn't a number, it's an IP.

Good luck!

require 'ipaddr'

# INET_ATON IPAddr.new("").to_i # => 3232235530

# INET_NTOA IPAddr.new(3232235530, Socket::AF_INET).to_s # => ""


Hi Peer,

You can store the IP as an integer in the database and convert to and from a string using Ruby. Check out this class:

This seems to work:

class Address < ActiveRecord::Base

  require 'IPAddr'

  def self.find_by_ip(value)     find :first, :conditions => {:ip => IPAddr.new(value).to_i}   end

  # Convert from integer - IPAddr doesn't seem to have this method   def ip     [read_attribute(:ip)].pack("N").unpack("C*").join "."   end

  def ip=(value)     write_attribute(:ip, IPAddr.new(value).to_i)   end


Hope this helps.
