Hello, I have two functions edit and update in my controller. edit is used to display the person's details and when the update button is clicked the update function should be executed. The problem is after clicking the update button I get the error message ID not found. I think the problem is that the form_for syntax i am using is incorrect for editing. Please help me corect the problem
Here is the code:
The rhtml file that displays the form to be edited is as
#edit.rhtml <title> 'Edit Person'</title> <%form_for(:person,@person,:url=>{:action=>'update'},:html=>{:method=>'put'}, do |p|%> <u><span class="style1">Create or Search an Individual</span><span class="style2">l</span></u> <%=submit_tag "Update Person"%>
<table width="100%" border="9"> <td width="4%"><input name="category" type="checkbox" id="category" value="1" /></td> <td width="30%"><strong>Category: <%=p.select("category_id",Category.find(:all).collect{|cat|[cat.category_name,cat.id]},{:prompt=>"-Select a category"})%> </strong></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input name="title" type="checkbox" id="title" value="1" /></td> <td><strong>Title:<%=p.text_field("title")%></strong></td> <td><input name="title_other" type="checkbox" id="title_other" value="1" /></td> <td><strong>Title Other: <%=p.text_field "title_other"%> </strong></td> ...........and the rest fields continues ....
The controller is as
#person_controller.rb @person = Person.find(params[:id]) render :action=>'edit' end
def update
@person = Person.find(params[:id]) if @person.update_attributes(params[:person]) flash[:notice]= "Successfully Updated person." render :action=>'edit' end end
Thank you. Regards, Anks