Hi Rails team,
How difficult to develop a Drupal like CMS in Rails? How long it will take?
Hi Rails team,
How difficult to develop a Drupal like CMS in Rails? How long it will take?
If it takes one year to develop a CMS in rails then is that rubbish that have tutorials that claim develop a blog in 15 minutes?
It would take less than a year to develop a CMS for a client (I’ve done it a NUMBER of times), but to develop a CMS framework like Drupal would take quite a while. Think about how long Drupal has been around and how many man years of effort have gone in to it.
You can develop a blog in 15-20 minutes, I’ve also put together some fairly complex CMS systems in a week or two of effort, but to build a complete framework that would compete with Drupal would take a large amount of effort.
Andy and Ramesh,
Thanks for your views. I wonder why this is not taking up. I know drupal is stealth.
But with handy rails in hand, if we start now, in a year we could make not only drupal, a double or triple that of a drupal. Because I believe that drupal with PHP, not that easy to make upgrades other than the core drupal team.
Thanks for your views. I wonder why this is not taking up. I know drupal is stealth.
But with handy rails in hand, if we start now, in a year we could make not only drupal, a double or triple that of a drupal. Because I believe that drupal with PHP, not that
easy to make upgrades other than the core drupal team.
I’d say that the reasons are:
Ready-built CMS systems like this are normally for the less technically capable - with that in mind, hosting a PHP application is much easier on most hosts than a Rails site.
If you want to use a CMS system, the current systems are easily good enough and you probably don’t care what programming language it’s written in.
If you are technical and want a CMS system you can customise for your needs or your client’s needs, then Radiant is probably good enough to get you up and running.
If you are custom designing a site for a client, it’s quick enough to throw a CMS system together using a couple of generators/themes and gems - or build your own the first time and then keep using them for each new client.
Just my 2p-worth
There’s some CMS on Rails already. Had no experience with them, usually you’re working on complex web services on Rails, rather than Business-card-like sites. But here is a list
I guess Radiant CMS is most well-known and with bigger community.