Don't know how to build task 'migrate --?

Environment:    Mac OS X (Leopard) version 10.5.1    ruby 1.8.6 (2007-03-13 patchlevel 0) [i686-darwin8.10.1]    Rails 2.0.2    Rake, version 0.8.1

I'm following a simple example from OS X's dev doc ("Expenses"). My Problems: 1) I would like to work with MySQL vs sqlite3                           2) Rake doesn't know how to build; even though I followed a simple example.

1) rails newProject -d mysql

2) isn't it rake db:migrate ? you are calling rake migrate instead

Andreh Luis wrote:

1) rails newProject -d mysql

2) isn't it rake db:migrate ? you are calling rake migrate instead

You're correct on *BOTH*.

I was following the example too closely, lacked the db: so obviously the build got lost:

[/Users/Ric/workarea/ruby/expenses]rake db:migrate (in /Users/Ric/workarea/ruby/expenses) == 1 Accounts: migrating

how did you manage to get your modifed file with

database: db/development.mysql

yet it was able to insert into the "expenses_development" table.

i had to change my database file entry to

database: expenses_development

any thoughts?