
Hi I'm a newbie in rails, and I was trying to embed dojo-toolkit into rails, I keep getting the same readme file on every search i did. Followed the instructions completely and I still end up with this error:

"No plugin called 'dojo_toolbocks' - please use the full name of a loaded plugin."

this is my code:

  <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"           ";&gt;   <html>     <head>       <title>Dojo Toolbocks: Slideshow Demo</title>       <%= javascript_include_tag 'dojo', :plugin => 'dojo_toolbocks' %> <% dojo_require ({:script_tag => true}, "dojo.widget.*", "dojo.lang.*");%>       <%= dojo_config(:debug => true) %>     </head>     <body>       <img dojoType="SlideShow"         imgUrls="<%= (1..6).map { |n| image_path("demos/widget/slideshow/#{n}.jpg", :plugin => "dojo_toolbocks") }.join(';') %>"         transitionInterval="700"         delay="7000"         src="<%= image_path('demos/widget/slideshow/1.jpg', :plugin => 'dojo_toolbocks') %>"         imgWidth="400" imgHeight="300" />     </body>   </html>
