Css and Rails

This is really not a Rails question, but here are some things to check.

* Clear your browser cache. * Verify that the stylesheet is being loaded * Verify you have ul elements with id="categories"

Michael Glaesemann grzm seespotcode net

Usually browser history and browser cache are different. I suggest you look in the documentation for your browser or google.

Michael Glaesemann grzm seespotcode net

Yep works, Thank you.


Why do ~I need to clear it ?

Ja Tse,

This is not the appropriate forum to be asking these questions. I've tried to provide you with tools to solve your issue yourself. I suggest you google or perhaps view the archives of the CSS-discuss list.


If you have a Rails-specific question, please feel free to ask.

Michael Glaesemann grzm seespotcode net