No css formatting

I've just moved a rails site across to a test server from my development PC. I've frozen rails and put all the relevant gems into the vendor/gems directory too. I've migrated the mysql database and configured Apache with Phusion Passenger. I can access the site and the content is fine. The formatting however, has disappeared - it's as though the css file does not exist, but it does and it's in public/stylesheets.

Any ideas anybody?

Martin Hawkins wrote:

The formatting however, has disappeared - it's as though the css file does not exist, but it does and it's in public/stylesheets.

Any ideas anybody?

Do you have the included stlyes in the header?

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "styles" %>

Any ideas anybody?

Check your stylesheet path especially if you went from Windows to *nix...

yes and the source code of the page looks good..

You can use Firebug to determine whether the style sheet is found or not (404), or you can just try to access the url directly.

If it's not 404, make sure it's being sent as the correct mime type.

Thanks for your suggestions, guys. The css came through ok when I amended .htaccess to remove a Rewriterule command that apache2 was objecting to.

When you go to localhost:3000/stylesheets/your-stylesheet.css does it come out ok?

Ramon Tayag