Creating Helper Methods To Be Used Within Model

Where do people suggest we create helper methods that are going to be used within the model to do things like string manipulation.

For instance:

Does anyone have an examples where I would put this and how I would define it? It would be greatly appreciated.

Your Friend,

You have two options really:

1) Create some custom modules for your functionality then include them in your model.

module MyStringUtilities   def make_url_friendly(string)   end end

class Tag < AR::Base   include MyStringUtilities end

2) Write direct extensions to built-in classes

class String   def make_url_friendly   end end

The above would let you use the syntax you use in your post ( Both have their place. Choose whichever you feel more comfortable with.

Perfect! I put class String.... end at the end of my application_helper.rb. I am not sure if tha tis the best place to put it but right now it makes the most sense. Any better ideas?

Yeah, stick it in its own file in lib, then require it in environment.rb.

only. For something like this, you should put it in the Tag model class (app/models/tag.rb)

John Kopanas wrote:

Good point. Problem is that I use this method in all three... models, views and controllers. :slight_smile:

So putting it in the lib directory might be the best option. But then again their might be even better ones out their :-). People?

I think this is merely a mix up of terminology. The word "helper" in the Rails sense derives from the ViewHelper pattern. I believe the OP was simply referring to common utility methods used throughout his code.

I would say you should prefer the first method of using modules unless there is a very strong case for extending builtin objects. I think going for a module first, and then seeing just how useful certain methods are before going to a builtin. Extending String is a very powerful and useful thing, but it can also be dangerous as it clutters the namespace and could result in conflicts in the future (ex: you write String#to_url, and two months from now Rails includes a conflicting version).

my 2 cents...

- Rob

There is one implementation option that is surprisingly void from this conversation: plugins.

One of the reasons plugins exist is a *better* form of "throw some shit in /lib and require it"

This smells like a good case for an extension of AR::Base, perhaps. Look at plugins. They are easy and grand and way better than the hacky lib approach.

Seth, I fail to see how putting utility, yet project-specific, library code in lib (where it belongs) is "hacky". Plugins would be completely overkill for this.

hmmm... plugins does sound really sexy if I look longer term. Very good idea. Might sound overfill for one small method but surely it will grow! :slight_smile: