1) Create some custom modules for your functionality then include them
in your model.
module MyStringUtilities
def make_url_friendly(string)
class Tag < AR::Base
include MyStringUtilities
2) Write direct extensions to built-in classes
class String
def make_url_friendly
The above would let you use the syntax you use in your post
(Tag.name.make_url_friendly). Both have their place. Choose whichever
you feel more comfortable with.
Perfect! I put class String.... end at the end of my
application_helper.rb. I am not sure if tha tis the best place to put
it but right now it makes the most sense. Any better ideas?
I think this is merely a mix up of terminology. The word "helper" in
the Rails sense derives from the ViewHelper pattern. I believe the OP
was simply referring to common utility methods used throughout his code.
I would say you should prefer the first method of using modules unless
there is a very strong case for extending builtin objects. I think
going for a module first, and then seeing just how useful certain
methods are before going to a builtin. Extending String is a very
powerful and useful thing, but it can also be dangerous as it clutters
the namespace and could result in conflicts in the future (ex: you
write String#to_url, and two months from now Rails includes a
conflicting version).
There is one implementation option that is surprisingly void from this
conversation: plugins.
One of the reasons plugins exist is a *better* form of "throw some shit
in /lib and require it"
This smells like a good case for an extension of AR::Base, perhaps.
Look at plugins. They are easy and grand and way better than the hacky
lib approach.
Seth, I fail to see how putting utility, yet project-specific, library
code in lib (where it belongs) is "hacky". Plugins would be completely
overkill for this.