You can put stuff in lib/ and "require" it from config/environment.rb
Typically you would define methods in a module that would be mixed in when needed using "include".
You can put stuff in lib/ and "require" it from config/environment.rb
Typically you would define methods in a module that would be mixed in when needed using "include".
Bob Showalter wrote:
There must be a place for these, but does anyone know where?
You can put stuff in lib/ and "require" it from config/environment.rb
Typically you would define methods in a module that would be mixed in when needed using "include".
Hmm, can't get this to work...
I made a file called general_helpers.rb and put it in my lib folder. It has this:
module GeneralHelpers def hello "hello world!" end end
then, in one of my views, i have
include 'general_helpers'
include GeneralHelpers
<span><%= hello %></span>
And this generates an "unknown method or attribute "hello"" error.
(I already do something similar with a module called ModelExtensions, in lib/model_extensions.rb, which i require in my environment file. The methods in there can be used by models, but not views or controllers.)
Under Rails, you don't even have to require 'general_helpers' as it will be autoloaded.
Rob Biedenharn
Bob Showalter wrote: >> There must be a place for these, but does anyone know where? > You can put stuff in lib/ and "require" it from config/environment.rb > > Typically you would define methods in a module that would be mixed in > when needed using "include".
Hmm, can't get this to work...
I made a file called general_helpers.rb and put it in my lib folder. It has this:
module GeneralHelpers def hello "hello world!" end end
then, in one of my views, i have
include 'general_helpers'
wrong syntax. include takes a module name.
<span><%= hello %></span>
You'll have to put
include GeneralHelpers
into class ApplicationHelper (in app/helpers/application_helper.rb) in order for those to be available in your views.
I think that you actually want to extend the view object with this method so do:
extend GeneralHelpers
and see if that fixes the problem. 'include' is to give instance methods to a class/module while 'extend' is to give methods to the object itself (frequently for class methods, but also on individual objects).
Rob Biedenharn
Yes, you can include a module in another module.
I'm not familiar with ModelExtensions, but something like this should work (put it in your general_helpers.rb)
module ActiveRecord class Base include GeneralHelpers end end
Bob Showalter wrote: >> > models? >> Btw, this might be to do with the fact that ModelExtensions is itself a >> module - can you include a module in another module? > > Yes, you can include a module in another module. > > I'm not familiar with ModelExtensions, but something like this should > work (put it in your general_helpers.rb) > > module ActiveRecord > class Base > include GeneralHelpers > end > end
That doesn't seem to work for me...let me just run through what i have now as i may have got confused somewhere.
I have a file in the lib folder called "general_helpers.rb" with
module GeneralHelpers def hello "hello world!" end
module ActiveRecord class Base include GeneralHelpers end end
And i have a method in my Movie model that looks like this:
def hello_test return hello end
when i call this method on an instance of type Movie (in a view) i get
"undefined local variable or method `hello' for #<Movie:0x44c9a38>"
I tried restarting the server just in case, but it didn't help...
If you go into script/console and do this, it should work:
>> GeneralHelpers GeneralHelpers >> "hello world!"
The problem is that nothing is causing general_helpers.rb to be loaded. I forced it to load by referencing the module name as the first thing.
You'll need to go ahead and add to config/environment.rb (put it at the bottom)
require 'general_helpers'