Counter for complex forms

Hi, I'm developing a daily report module for a school work that utilizes complex forms, however I've run into some problems. On each rendered partial, I have two collection_select; the first (project) updates the contents of the second (task) depending on the selected project. I need a counter to connect to the task div id so that each project collection_select know which task collection_select to update. Here is a part of the code in the partial:

_day_entry.html.haml: %td   = day_entry_detail_form.collection_select(:project_id, @projects, :id, :proj_code_and_name, {:include_blank => "# {I18n.t :select_one}"}, :onChange => "showTaskSelection($(this), 'task_form_<counter_goes_here>'), '1'") %th{:scope => "row", :class => "column1"}   = I18n.t :task   %span{:style => 'color:#FF0000'}* %td   %div{:id => "task_form_<counter_goes_here>"}     - for project in @projects       %div{:id => "project_#{}_task_", :style => "display:none"}         = day_entry_detail_form.collection_select(:task_id, project.project_task, :id, :task_code_and_name, {:include_blank => "# {I18n.t :select_one}"})

and this code snippet renders the partial:

new.html.haml: #day_entry_details   = render :partial => 'day_entry_detail', :collection => @day_entry.day_entry_details, :locals => {:from_collection => true} .form-btn   = link_to_function "#{I18n.t :add_entry}" do |page|     - page.insert_html :bottom, :day_entry_details, :partial => 'day_entry_detail', :object =>, :locals=> {:from_collection=>false}

I need to have a counter that increments every time the link_to_function is used, and then use this counter as part of a div name. I tried using a hidden field and then just calls a javascipt function to increment it, but I don't know how I'll be able to access that for use with the div id...I've just started developing in rails and not yet familiar with everything. Any ideas or a push in the right direction would be a great help :slight_smile: