Setting the Element ID of inserted partials with javascript


Lets say I have a form with multiple task elements, for adding tasks to a project, and a link_to_function which inserts a new task using page.insert_html :partial eg: <div id="tasks">tasks holder</div> <%= link_to_function "Add Task" do |page|   page.insert_html :bottom, :tasks, :partial => 'task', :object => end %>

I know when I do a render collection that each partial has a partial_name_counter variable eg: task_counter, but when I create a task using the javascript helper this variable no longer works because it defaults to 1 (as it was when the partial was rendered into the javascript query), is there anyway to get the same attribute using javascript?, or at least set a unique id to each task which is created using the javascript helper?

Thanks in advance. -Ivan

If you want that ID in order to remove the newly added task, you can use Prototype's up function. Please take a look at #74 Complex Forms Part 2 - RailsCasts. Not sure if this is what you are trying to do.

Thats a good idea I'll check it out,

What i am actually doing is using the spry framework to provide validation on the textfield and unfortunately it has to be applied on a per id basis, not on all elements of a certain class, so therefor i need to be able to set a unique id to each task input field or containing div (as spry can be applied to a div then auto assign to first input)