could not find [gem] locally or in a repository


Every gem i tried to install i got the message:

Error: Could not find locally or in a repository!

please some help...


Which Rubygem version your are install on system. Just do

gem install --system and then try.

let me know if there is any error. Thanks, Deployd.

Means whatever gem you're trying to install does not exist in your current working dir or in the standard repositories.

You'll need to install via   gem install some_gem http://some.server/path/to/some_gem

Shrikant Lokhande wrote:

Which Rubygem version your are install on system. Just do

gem install --system and then try.

let me know if there is any error. Thanks, Deployd.

On Nov 14, 8:48 pm, Remco Swoany <>

I got this...

gem install --system ERROR: While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)   invalid option: --system

Use this and then try:

gem update --system

which specific gem you are trying to install ?

Thanks, DeployD.

Perhaps your gem sources list is borked? gem sources will display it.


Jeff Emminger wrote:

Means whatever gem you're trying to install does not exist in your current working dir or in the standard repositories.

You'll need to install via   gem install some_gem http://some.server/path/to/some_gem

On Nov 14, 10:48�am, Remco Swoany <>

I just want to instal json, redcloth ect...this are standard i think something else is wrong. But a fast solution would be wath you suggest..

Can you tell me how can i find the external repositories of the gem?


Shrikant Lokhande wrote:

Use this and then try:

gem update --system

which specific gem you are trying to install ?

Thanks, DeployD. On Nov 14, 8:54 pm, ""

I am trying to install json and tzinfo...

Frederick Cheung wrote:

Actually Gem installation need enough memory on your server/system and Bandwidth. or if it is not just download that gem and install specific.

gem install rails-2.0.2.gem,

Pls check: i have install json like this.

Shrikant Lokhande wrote:

Actually Gem installation need enough memory on your server/system and Bandwidth. or if it is not just download that gem and install specific.

gem install rails-2.0.2.gem,

Pls check: i have install json like this.

gem install json Bulk updating Gem source index for: Building native extensions. This could take a while... Successfully installed json-1.1.3 1 gem installed Installing ri documentation for json-1.1.3...

No definition for cState_configure

No definition for cState_configure Installing RDoc documentation for json-1.1.3...

No definition for cState_configure

No definition for cState_configure

Thanks, DeployD.

On Nov 14, 9:14 pm, Remco Swoany <>

i just tried "gem install json-1.1.3.gem" but again..the error-message: ERROR: could not find json-1.1.3.gem locally or in a repository


@remco first check your internet connection and firewall is it working and configured properly or not. Coz the error “ERROR: could not find json-1.1.3.gem locally or in a repository” it can because of internet connectivity… And yes if you are on windows then defiantly you have to do N number of thing before installing json I guess you will need Visual c complier. Try to install gem install json_pure. Jump into the linux environment. :wink: … and upgrade ur gems Abhishek

i just tried "gem install json-1.1.3.gem" but again..the error- message: ERROR: could not find json-1.1.3.gem locally or in a repository

That will only work if you have a file called json-1.1.3.gem sitting
right there. To install over the network you need gem install json or gem install json --version=1.1.3

if you want that version (although as others have said you may not be
able to build the c extension required for that particular gem if you
don't have the appropriate version of visual studio installed)


you're obviously on windows. have you installed nmake? did you add it to your path-variable? it seems like it is not found on your machine.

MaD wrote:

you're obviously on windows. have you installed nmake? did you add it to your path-variable? it seems like it is not found on your machine.

Thanks for the reply.

Any hints how to do that?

i don't work on windows, but nmake can be found here:

reference:   Nmake Tool | Microsoft Docs

additionally i want to say, that i never used this program and i'm not sure if you really need it, but form your output   > 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. it seems you should take a look at it.

MaD wrote:

i don't work on windows, but nmake can be found here:

reference:   Nmake Tool | Microsoft Learn

additionally i want to say, that i never used this program and i'm not sure if you really need it, but form your output   > 'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. it seems you should take a look at it.

I have installed it from > But still it's giving the same error

for your OS to find the programm you need to add it to your path variable. look here (or google for it):   Vlaurie

this should be very easy. when you adjusted your path variable try to invoke nmake from the command line to check if it is found correctly (should then be possible from any folder).

MaD wrote:

for your OS to find the programm you need to add it to your path variable. look here (or google for it):   Vlaurie

this should be very easy. when you adjusted your path variable try to invoke nmake from the command line to check if it is found correctly (should then be possible from any folder).

Path variable are already set,Can you tell me where i will get json 1.1.3 windows version?