Just started with Rails a couple weeks ago after a few years doing PHP.
I've got a blog going with URLS like
and each entry has a comment form and the end. This form calls an
action 'add_comment' in the 'blog' controller, with the URL
I was wondering whether it's possible for users to arrive back at the
first URL for the entry after trying to post a comment? Using
redirect_to with the entry's route means I can't use error_messages_for
on the comment in my entry's view. So instead, I'm just doing
@comment.save etc in blog#add_comment and then using
render :action show_entry
to show the entry the comment applies to. This retains the form values
and shows any errors produced. Can I have someone submit a comment and
be directed to
without losing the comment and its errors along the way?
I was wondering whether it's possible for users to arrive back at the
first URL for the entry after trying to post a comment? Using
redirect_to with the entry's route means I can't use error_messages_for
on the comment in my entry's view. So instead, I'm just doing
@comment.save etc in blog#add_comment and then using
render :action show_entry
to show the entry the comment applies to. This retains the form values
and shows any errors produced. Can I have someone submit a comment and
be directed to
without losing the comment and its errors along the way?
In the #add_comment action, store the comment in the user session before any
validation. Use flash to communicate error messages and redirect_to should work.
You can have a look at my blog comment section to get a better idea.
Thanks for the suggestion! Just to clarify, would something like this
do the trick...
# in blog#add_comment
@comment = Comment.new(params[:comment])
You might want to store the comment in the user session. e.g
session[:comment] = @comment
You would test for validity here and set flash to show any error message.
e.g. flash[:alert] = 'Missing a required field'
flash[:comment] = @comment
redirect_to entry_url (...with parameters for URL...)
# in blog#show_entry
@comment = flash[:comment]
You may use <% new_comment = session[:comment] %> and access each
attribute with
<%= new_comment.from %>
<%= new_comment.url %>
<%= new_comment.message%>
...etc. to display each attribute on the form.
A final note, you should initialize session[:comment] = Comment.new the first
time the form is accessed so you don't get a nil error.