changed to will_paginate

Hi     Till now we used the rails pagination.But now onwards shifting to will_paginate The code I use currently is as below .This is with the help of find_where pluggin..A fantastic pluggin which we still want to use...I would like to know how can i modify the following code to work with will_paginate

step 1: set the variables you'll need             page = (params[:page] ||= 1).to_i             items_per_page = 20             offset = (page - 1) * items_per_page            # step 2: instead of performing the full find, just find the record count

            @search_sd_ticket_count_result = ServiceDeskTicket.find_where(:all,:select=>'count(*) as count1' ) do


                                     sd.number.downcase =~ "%"+@sd_ticket_number.downcase+"%" if !@sd_ticket_number.nil?                                      sd.service_desk_status_id== @sd_ticket_status_id                                      sd.service_desk_priority_id== @sd_ticket_priority_id                                      sd.primary_assignee== @sd_ticket_primary_assignee                                      sd.created_on <=> (@sd_ticket_start_date..@sd_ticket_end_date) if !@sd_ticket_start_date==nil and !@sd_ticket_end_date==nil                                  end


            # step 3: create a Paginator, the second variable has to be the number of ALL items on all pages             @search_sd_ticket_result_pages =, record_count, items_per_page, page)

            # step 4: only find the requested subset of @search_sd_ticket_result # @search_sd_ticket_result = ServiceDeskTicket.find_where(:all,:offset=>offset,:limit=>items_per_page ) do |sd|                                      sd.number.downcase =~ "%"+@sd_ticket_number.downcase+"%" if !@sd_ticket_number.nil?                                      sd.service_desk_status_id== @sd_ticket_status_id                                      sd.service_desk_priority_id== @sd_ticket_priority_id                                      sd.primary_assignee== @sd_ticket_primary_assignee                                      sd.created_on <=> (@sd_ticket_start_date..@sd_ticket_end_date) if !@sd_ticket_start_date==nil and !@sd_ticket_end_date==nil


I could do will_paginate with imple cases like @sd_attachments=@sd_ticket.sd_attchments.paginate :per_page=>20,:page=>params[:page] and in view <%= will_paginate %> .But how can I convert the above to use will_paginate Thanks in advance Sijo