Capistrano Deployment and File Assets (pdfs, etc)

Loren Johnson wrote:

I am trying to figure-out how to properly manage website file assets (pdfs, etc.) which are content on my site without having to have them part of my svn repository.

Right now when I deploy a new release using Capistrano the release only contains what was in my repository...

I guess I need to have capistrano create a symlink for my public/assets directory but I'm not sure how to go about that and can't find docu's anywhere that help.

I use something like this in deploy.rb to link in my config files:

desc "Link in production database config and spin script" task :after_update_code do   run <<-CMD     ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/#{shared_dir}/config/database.yml #{release_path}/config/database.yml   CMD

  run <<-CMD     ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/#{shared_dir}/script/spin #{release_path}/script/spin   CMD end


Another (simpler) way to ensure that your files are not wiped out with every update is to stored them in /public/system. This is a shared folder and isn’t wiped out with updates.
