Although I followed all the steps and even tried the --css-tailwind pre-configured project setup
I always get the same Error
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/tailwindcss-rails-2.0.27-x86_64-linux/exe/x86_64-linux/tailwindcss: 1: ELF: not found
/var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/tailwindcss-rails-2.0.27-x86_64-linux/exe/x86_64-linux/tailwindcss: 4: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
rails aborted!
Command failed with exit 2: /var/lib/gems/3.0.0/gems/tailwindcss-rails-2.0.27-x86_64-linux/exe/x86_64-linux/tailwindcss
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile => tailwindcss:build
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
Additionally, I get the following when I try to use the tailwind
The asset "tailwind.css" is not present in the asset pipeline.
After installing Tailwind CSS, I encountered the same error, even though I followed the installation steps outlined in the official Tailwind documentation. To overcome the issue, I turned to the “Tailwind CSS for Rails” documentation in github, which provided the solution I needed. A critical step that made a difference was executing the following command: tailwindcss:watch[poll].
If you’re facing a similar problem, I recommend referring to the Tailwind CSS for Rails for detailed instructions on resolving this issue.