Hello. I have problem.
I can't install rails 3(on windows)
If I put "gem install rails" it install 2.2.3 version. If I put "gem update rails" it update 2.2.3 to 2.2.3 version.
ruby -v: 1.9.2
What I must do to install rails 3?
Hello. I have problem.
I can't install rails 3(on windows)
If I put "gem install rails" it install 2.2.3 version. If I put "gem update rails" it update 2.2.3 to 2.2.3 version.
ruby -v: 1.9.2
What I must do to install rails 3?
Could you type
gem env
in a terminal and paste back what you get?
Here's what strikes me as odd: your ruby is 1.9.2, but your gem paths are in a 1.9.1 hierarchy. Did you have 1.9.1 once upon a time? Have you installed any gems since upgrading to 1.9.2? Or can someone else let me know if that's actually normal and okay?
What do you see if you do gem list in the same terminal? And can you copy and paste as text into your reply, rather than the screenshot? There's nothing sensitive about what you're posting here, no worries about the google finding it years from now.
Did you have 1.9.1 once upon a time?
Yes, I have.
Have you installed any gems since upgrading to 1.9.2?
Yes, wxruby ad wxsugar. But I can delete them and reinstalling later, if it need.
Walter, what I must to do?
And can you copy and paste as text into your reply, rather than the screenshot?
There's nothing sensitive about what you're posting here, no worries about the google finding it years from now. ok.
The issue I noticed was that you seem to have a mix of ruby versions inside of Gem. It's okay to HAVE the different versions, but the way your gem env looks, I think that your gem has one foot in both rowboats. I made the same mistake when I upgraded from 1.8.6 to 1.8.7.
Try installing gem again from source, using your new 1.9.2 Ruby to compile it. This will effectively set the new "tree" for gems and hopefully everything will be in one place where it can be found efficiently. From there, you'll also need to re-install every gem your programs need, but that can be done piece-meal once you get the basics working.
Ruby Version Manager might be your solution http://rvm.beginrescueend.com/ with this you can use different versions on the same system, every gem path can be set for its Ruby version.
The easiest solution is just uninstall and reinstall your Gems, and then reinstall Rails. Others posts on this topic in mailing list I read it solved for many who used Win (actually I don`t, so I haven`t tested it).
Good luck