Can't able to debug my application


I am not able to debug my *.html.erb file in ruby. The breakpoints leaves when debugging?. Can anybody help me why i can't do?

Regards, Periyasamy.R

Sorry I do not understand exactly the problem you are seeing. Are you able to break in the controller by entering a line debugger

If so then you should be able to break into the erb file with <% debugger %>

If neither work then have you installed ruby-debug?


Colin Law wrote:


I am not able to debug my *.html.erb file in ruby. The breakpoints leaves when debugging?. Can anybody help me why i can't do?

Sorry I do not understand exactly the problem you are seeing. Are you able to break in the controller by entering a line debugger

If so then you should be able to break into the erb file with <% debugger %>

If neither work then have you installed ruby-debug?



Thanks for your reply. I can able to do in controller as well as in model. But in .html.erb file i can't able to debug all the statements. Some lines only getting debugging. I also have the gem ruby-debug-base (0.10.3, 0.10.2) ruby-debug-ide (0.4.9, 0.3.1).

But no solution.



Can you post the erb code around a debugger statement that is not working? Are you certain that execution is getting to the debugger statement?


Colin Law wrote:

[...] Thanks for your reply. I can able to do in controller as well as in model. But in .html.erb file i can't able to debug all the statements. Some lines only getting debugging. I also have the gem ruby-debug-base (0.10.3, 0.10.2) ruby-debug-ide (0.4.9, 0.3.1).

Can you post the erb code around a debugger statement that is not working? Are you certain that execution is getting to the debugger statement?




The below lines are getting debugged,

<%=h "Test Report " + rcnt.to_s %> </h4> <br/> <%=h "Test - " + @tstarttime %> <br/>

But the below lines are not getting debugging,

<% @tsteps = TstInstance.get_tstnames_by_tsttype(@tstarttime) %>     <% for rows_steps in @tsteps %>         <% stepname = rows_steps["steps_name"] %>         <% @steptime = rows_steps["steptime"] %>      <%end%>

I can't see the debugging in the iteration even if i break point for each line.

Thanks, Periyasamy.R

I still don't understand exactly what you mean. Describe exactly what you are doing and what happens. I do not see a breakpoint in your code.
