Can we develop a standalone application using Ruby on rails?
Ruby on rails can be used to develop a comprehensive database backed
web-application. My requirement is, can we develop a database backed
standalone application using Ruby on rails. If so, could you please
share your knowledge on it.
What do you mean for 'standalone application'? A desktop application?
If you are asking a desktop application the answer is no. Rails is a
web framework.
It depends on what you mean by a standalone application. If you are
talking about some s/w that runs on a PC (with no separate web server)
and that you intend to distribute for general use then I think the
answer is probably no. If, however, you want what might be described
as a 'hobby' app for your own personal use where you can run the
webserver and browser on your own PC then the answer is yes. I do
exactly that for running my weather station and displaying data in a
browser on the same PC. It has the advantage over a conventional
standalone app that I can easily split the control and acquisition off
onto a separate machine if I want to, and run just the browser on my
display station, or I can even monitor the station across the internet
should I feel the need.
What do you mean for 'standalone application'? A desktop application?
If you are asking a desktop application the answer is no. Rails is a
web framework.
Although there have been things in the past last joyent slingshot
(although that looks to be quite dead)
Thanks all. i appreciate your help. Let me be clear with my spec. i've
plans to develop this app, its kind of information management system for
an organisation. i know that it can very well be done using Visual basic
and Oracle. But, i just want to know if there is any other technology as
robust as ROR. I was particulary impressed with its metaprogramming and
scaffolding techniques.
If it is an IMS are you sure that the database is going be local on
the PC rather than central? If it is central then a conventional
rails app using the browser to access the data may well be
appropriate. It can only run when the local machine can connect to
the server of course.
You can develop an information management system with ROR with Oracle
or many other DBMSs. The problem of VB is that any PC will need the
application installed in a computer, that's way web applications are a
normal choice. Scaffolding will help you in understanding how you can
create a CRUD with Rails (and to get started) although experienced
developers do not use it.
What is awesome of Rails is that it is written in Ruby and its
community is really active and there is a lot of innovation going on.
You can develop a standalone application if you mean one that is hosted on the same system that the user interface is on but the user interface will be using a web browser and will be communicating to a web server on that system. It works.