can someone please tell me why these test are failing?

1) Failure: test_login_failure_with_nonexistent_screen_name(UserControllerTest) [./ test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:140]: <"Invalid screen name/password combination"> expected but was <nil>.

  2) Failure: test_login_failure_with_wrong_password(UserControllerTest) [./test/ functional/user_controller_test.rb:155]: <"Invalid screen name/password combination"> expected but was <nil>.


# Test a login with invalid screen name.   # Giving a Failure   def test_login_failure_with_nonexistent_screen_name     invalid_user = @valid_user     invalid_user.screen_name = "no such user"     try_to_login invalid_user     assert_template "login"     assert_equal "Invalid screen name/password combination", flash[ :notice]     # Make sure screen_name will be redisplayed, but not the password.     user = assigns(:user)     assert_equal invalid_user.screen_name, user.screen_name     assert_nil user.password   end

  # Test a login with invalid password.   # Giving a Failure   def test_login_failure_with_wrong_password     invalid_user = @valid_user     # Construct an invalid password.     invalid_user.password += "baz"     try_to_login invalid_user     assert_template "login"     assert_equal "Invalid screen name/password combination", flash[ :notice]     # Make sure screen_name will be redisplayed, but not the password.     user = assigns(:user)     assert_equal invalid_user.screen_name, user.screen_name     assert_nil user.password   end


  def login     @title = "Log in to RailsSpace"       if param_posted?(:user)         @user =[:user])         user = User.find_by_screen_name_and_password(@user.screen_name,                                                      @user.password)         if user           user.login!(session)           flash[:notice] = "User #{user.screen_name} logged in!"           redirect_to_forwarding_url         else           # Don't show the password again in the view.           @user.clear_password!           flash[:notice] = "Invalid screen name/password combination"         end       end     end

Is it possible your try_to_login method isn't doing a post? Because the test and code you've provided look fine.

There is a couple of things here that would help to know to solve your issue:

invalid_user = @valid_user invalid_user.screen_name = "no such user" try_to_login invalid_user

* try_to_login: is this a helper method that actually does a post? * if so, it looks like you are passing a model rather than a hash of parameters

In other words, I would expect to be seeing something like this:

post :login, 'user' => {'screen_name' => 'no such user', 'password' => 'testing'}

maybe show us the try_to_login method may enable us to help you.

Thanks for your help Christopher and Nicholas. Here is the try_to_login code in the user_controller_test.rb file:


  # Authorize a user.   def authorize(user)     @request.session[:user_id] =   end

  # Try to log a user in using the login action.   def try_to_login(user)     post :login, :user => { :screen_name => user.screen_name,       :password => user.password }   end

I'm wondering if the block if param_posted?(:user) is getting executed at all. How about moving the following assertions before the flash message assertion. What do you get when you run the test?

     # Make sure screen_name will be redisplayed, but not the password.     user = assigns(:user)     assert_equal invalid_user.screen_name, user.screen_name     assert_nil user.password


Hi Nicholas,

I've moved the block you suggested to before the flash assertion but still getting the same result:

ruby test/functional/user_controller_test.rb -n /test_login_failure/ Loaded suite test/functional/user_controller_test Started FF Finished in 0.638922 seconds.

  1) Failure: test_login_failure_with_nonexistent_screen_name(UserControllerTest) [test/functional/user_controller_test.rb:180]: <"Invalid screen name/password combination"> expected but was <nil>.

  2) Failure: test_login_failure_with_wrong_password(UserControllerTest) [test/ functional/user_controller_test.rb:196]: <"Invalid screen name/password combination"> expected but was <nil>.

2 tests, 8 assertions, 2 failures, 0 errors

Well, I'm stumped - I took your code and quickly setup a test app and your assertions passed. Are you having problems with other flash messages? How about changing the flash messages to see if that helps, perhaps you have a funny character in there. Sorry I couldn't be of further help.