Failing functional tests when controllers work

I have three models (users, issues, retailers) and three corresponding controllers. In functional tests for all three controllers, I have the same problems:

* Creating a record which should work, fails in the functional test. * Updating a record which should fail (invalid) succeeds (and therefore the test fails.)

Other tests of these actions (e.g. a valid update, an invalid creation) work as expected. I am unable to recreate the problem in the console with the same data, even when using the test environment.

I would suspect a bug in the controllers except that all three functional tests fail in the same way.

Here's a sample with users:

  def create # Creates a user with admin role     @user =[:user])     @user.role = "Admin"

    if                         # Tests never reach this code       flash[:notice] = "User successfully created"       redirect_to :action => 'show', :id =>     else       flash[:warning] = "Please try again."       render :action => 'new'     end   end

and the test is...

  def test_create # Supposed to succeed, but fails.     old = User.count     post :create, {:username => "testuser", :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret', :email => ''}, {:user => users(:admin1)} # Need an admin user in the session to allow this # n.b. there is a validation to check for presence of username, password, and email; also to check pw confirmation     assert_not_nil assigns(:user)     assert assigns(:user).is_admin?     assert_response :redirect     assert_redirected_to :action => "show", :id => assigns(:user).id     assert_equal "User successfully created", flash[:notice]     assert_equal old + 1, User.count   end

The test fails at the assert_response :redirect, so it's the which isn't behaving as expected. The same thing happens in two other controllers, with two other models.

Any ideas?


pjmorse wrote:

  def create # Creates a user with admin role     @user =[:user])     @user.role = "Admin"

    if                         # Tests never reach this code       flash[:notice] = "User successfully created"       redirect_to :action => 'show', :id =>     else       flash[:warning] = "Please try again."       render :action => 'new'     end   end

and the test is...

  def test_create # Supposed to succeed, but fails.     old = User.count     post :create, {:username => "testuser", :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret', :email => ''}, {:user => users(:admin1)} # Need an admin user in the session to allow this # n.b. there is a validation to check for presence of username,

Any ideas?


I think your error is before the save, in the test case, your :user is not passing in the required fields to populate a new user. Here is what you can do to verify this.

1) sudo gem install ruby-debug 2) insert: "debugger" a the top of your controller's create method 3) run: rdebug test/script/<test case name> [<test name>]

# you are now in the debugger..

cont # debugger starts on first line of the file, hit cont to go to your bp irb # when you hit your bp @user



pjmorse wrote:

    if                         # Tests never reach this code

Temporarily change that to! and read the error diagnostic?

Phlip wrote:

pjmorse wrote:

    if                         # Tests never reach this code

Temporarily change that to! and read the error diagnostic?

no need to even do that.. just type @user and see what the debugger gives you.. I believe that your password fields will not be set which therefore failed the validation tests in your model



Ilan, thanks for the ruby-debug tip, I'll need that one of these days.

For this one, I followed Phlip's suggestion and switched to save!, which confirmed Ilan's suggestion that the parameters were not correct. I needed to set the params to create a user object, e.g.

    post :create, {:user => {:username => "testuser", :password => 'secret', :password_confirmation => 'secret', :email => ''}}, {:user => users(:admin1)}

...not sure yet how this will work with the update bug, but it should fix the save bug across all three tests. Thanks!