Weird Functional Test Behavior

Hi All,

I have a test that is failing and I can't figure it out... it fails the first time in autotest and the second time it runs (once autotest is started), the test doesn't fail.

Thanks in advance for your help. Here is the test file:

#################TEST FILE############

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../test_helper'

class Admin::StoriesControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase   def first_story_form_attributes     s = stories(:one).attributes     s.delete("updated_at")     s.delete("created_at")     s.delete("id")     s   end

  def test_should_not_update_story_admin     old_attributes = first_story_form_attributes     old_attributes[:headline] = ""     post :update, {:id => stories(:one).id, :record => old_attributes}     assert_response :success #THIS IS LINE 46     assert_select "div#errorExplanation" do       assert_select "li", :text => /Headline/     end   end end ###END TEST FILE#####

####ERROR REPORTED:##### Here is the error:   1) Failure: test_should_not_update_story_admin(Admin::StoriesControllerTest)     [./test/functional/admin/stories_controller_test.rb:46:in `test_should_not_update_story_admin'      /Users/danderson/Projects/my_project/vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/../../activesupport/lib/active_support/testing/default.rb:7:in `run']: Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>

Ilan Berci wrote:

Dustin Anderson wrote:

Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>

Can you show us your controller code handling the action as it appears that you are redirecting the response


Thanks Ilan,

Unfortunately, my controller is an Active Scaffold controller ( So, there isn't much to it:

class Admin::StoriesController < ApplicationController   layout 'admin'   active_scaffold :story do |config| = true = true     config.create.multipart = true     config.update.multipart = true     config.list.columns = [ :date, :headline, :author, :state, :country, :is_published ]     end


Dustin Anderson wrote:

Ilan Berci wrote:

Dustin Anderson wrote:

Expected response to be a <:success>, but was <302>

Can you show us your controller code handling the action as it appears that you are redirecting the response


Thanks Ilan,

Unfortunately, my controller is an Active Scaffold controller ( So, there isn't much to it:

class Admin::StoriesController < ApplicationController   layout 'admin'   active_scaffold :story do |config| = true = true     config.create.multipart = true     config.update.multipart = true     config.list.columns = [ :date, :headline, :author, :state, :country, :is_published ]     end


Sorry, not much experience with scaffolding as I believe that it is next to useless and only hampers you from getting your hands dirty and figuring out the details of how rails handles MVC.
