Can I do <%=.%> interpolation without getting a <p> tag?

I have in my erb file something like this:

<%= simple_format(...) %>

The generated code is wrapped within <p></p>. In my case, I need the code be interpolated without this wrapping. Can this be done?


This is an effect of using the simple_format method:

"Returns text transformed into HTML using simple formatting rules. Two or more consecutive newlines(\n\n) are considered as a paragraph and wrapped in <p> tags. One newline (\n) is considered as a linebreak and a <br /> tag is appended. This method does not remove the newlines from the text.

You can pass any HTML attributes into html_options. These will be added to all created paragraphs."

If you just want to print out the bare text, you can just put that in your erb tag: <%= my_variable %>

If you just want to print out the bare text, you can just put that in your erb tag: <%= my_variable %>

This didn't work either, because the value of my_variable contains simple quotes, and these had been replaced by an HTML entity denotation (in this case, it is &#39;). That's why I thought I would need simple_format (I was not aware that the <p> was coming from simple_format .... I should have known this)

Maybe I post here my code in question:

<% js_unhide_idstrings=@sequence[1..-1].map {|n| "'tu_idiom_#{n}'"} %> <script>   ...   var unhide_ids=[<%= js_unhide_idstrings.join(',') %>];   ... </script>

If @sequence is, say [4,1,9], the generated JavaScript code would be

var unhide_ids=[&#39;tu_idiom_1&#39;,&#39;tu_idiom_9&#39;];

if you change js_unhide_idstrings.join(‘,’) to js_unhide_idstrings.join(‘,’).html_safe that should decode the entities.

Thanks a lot, this is the solution I was looking for!