Let's use <%== %> instead of <%= raw() %>

I've submitted a small patch to make Rails behave properly with the Erubis <%== %> construct. For some reason the current behaviour of that tag in Rails 3 is to escape the contents _twice_ which is probably a bug.

I offer three suggestions why this is a good idea:

- The syntax is cleaner. It can avoid a lot of .html_safe and raw in your views. I especially like the conciseness of <%=== '<b>Alert</b>' if level<0 %> better then the alternative with .html_safe.

- It performs slightly better since it saves a method call and we can concat a String directly instead of coercing everything to a SafeBuffer

- It re-enables the ability of Erubis to behave like Erb in Rails 2 which allows for easier upgrading (You can pass :escape => true to a new Erubis instance or glabally replace the <%= with <%==)


It's currently a monkey patch but if there is a chance of this being accepted I can turn it into a proper patch with tests. Comments welcome.

I offer three suggestions why this is a good idea:

- The syntax is cleaner. It can avoid a lot of .html_safe and raw in your views. I especially like the conciseness of <%=== '<b>Alert</b>' if level<0 %> better then the alternative with .html_safe.

The only concern I have is that the syntax here has subtly different isn't the same. In erubis strings get escaped irrespective of whether they've been escaped before, in rails it's an idempotent escaping function so <%= h(x) and <%= x are identical.

So if we override these additional operators we'll be giving them our own meaning, not increasing compatibility with erubis. Having said that, they're completely broken now so I think this is probably a good idea.

- It performs slightly better since it saves a method call and we can concat a String directly instead of coercing everything to a SafeBuffer

We actually used to do something similar, but it was removed in this commit:

Was added here:

Not sure whether that was intentional though.

- It re-enables the ability of Erubis to behave like Erb in Rails 2 which allows for easier upgrading (You can pass :escape => true to a new Erubis instance or glabally replace the <%= with <%==)

I don't actually consider this a feature to be honest. Yes it's annoying having to mark strings as safe to prevent them being escaped, but at least you notice it. Contrast this with the previous behaviour where things 'mostly worked' until someone tried to attack your site. It's annoying and fiddly, but compared to the alternative situation where a single missing h can mean you give away root access to your servers and all your customer's passwords[1], I think the pain is justified.

It's currently a monkey patch but if there is a chance of this being accepted I can turn it into a proper patch with tests. Comments welcome.

I like the idea of making <%== work as a synonym for <%= raw, upload a proper patch for it and I'll take a look.

[1] apache.org incident report for 04092010 - Apache Infrastructure Website

Ok, I've uploaded a real patch (hope it's OK, it's my first attempt at using git).

Do you know the reason why the commits you mentioned above were removed?

With regards to the .html_safe being "annoying but good for you": that's the same argument people use about static typing being "annoying but good for you" and I don't buy that argument either. You can still accidentally get non-escaped HTML in your code because of string interpolation or because you marked an entire helper as safe. The proper way to test for XSS scripting attacks is to put bad tags in all fixtures and simulated user input and running the response body though html tidy or similar. Similarly dynamic typing can be used by responsible programmers by having appropriate tests.

Anyway, I've only changed the behaviour of the <%== tag and feeding an ":escape => :off" option to Erubis can only be done by monkey patching Rails so that means a clueless programmer who needs to be protected from himself won't run into it quickly.

Not really.

html_safe has nothing to do with static vs dynamic typing and everything to do with whitelisting vs blacklisting as an approach to security.

They're completely different classes of issue.

(I won't bother repeating what whitelisting and blacklisting are, nor their relative merits, as it is well known.)

Cheers, Wincent

Not really. Comparing html_safe to whitelisting is not correct because whitelisting provides an adequate protection and html_safe does not. You will still need additional security tests because insecure things can still get through with string interpolations. You could even claim there is a danger that people are lulled into a false sense of security with html_safe. And that is how I meant the analogy of static typing versus dynamic typing: people claim that you should use static typing because that will allow you to find bugs before they go into production. That's true to a point but it certainly does not mean that you are somehow relieved of doing proper testing because you are using a statically typed language. The analogy also works in reverse: if you are doing proper testing than using a dynamically typed language is not an issue, and similarly if you are testing the right way then it's OK to do the escaping yourself.

Not really. Comparing html_safe to whitelisting is not correct because whitelisting provides an adequate protection and html_safe does not.

Safe strings *are* whitelists, by calling html_safe on a string you are instructing the erb handler that that string is to be considered safe. Every string which isn't marked as safe, is considered unsafe and is escaped. That's a whitelist.

You will still need additional security tests because insecure things can still get through with string interpolations.

Newly interpolated strings aren't safe until you mark them as such by calling html_safe.

and similarly if you are testing the right way then it's OK to do the escaping yourself.

Similarly if you're testing the right way you'll notice that your values are being escaped unexpectedly and there's no issue.

The erb handler is now secure by default, that's a feature and the minor pain it imposes is nothing compared to the danger of an XSS hole in your application because your forgot that one character.

That's fine in theory but in the last few weeks of using Rails 3 I've still noticed unescaped HTML slipping though because so many html_safe statements are needed that you make mistakes, or you mark an entire helper safe that gets it content from somewhere else, or you marked a string safe and then interpolated an unsafe item into it.

Anyway, it's all besides the point because as I started out saying: I am NOT against on-by-default escaping, I just think there is no reason not to provide an elegant way to use unescaped text. You still need unescaped text, for example when you are generating a plain text e- mail. My e-mail templates look much cleaner with <%== everywhere instead of all the html_safe stuff.

Anyway, it's all besides the point because as I started out saying: I am NOT against on-by-default escaping, I just think there is no reason not to provide an elegant way to use unescaped text.

Agreed, I've applied it to master and 3-0-stable :).

Thanx! On my first patch no less! Cheers, Jan

Welcome :slight_smile:
