Obviously it's not working. Is this my only option?
@contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => ['jobs.name LIKE ? AND
group_id = ?', 'Teacher%', current_contact.group], :include =>
[:jobs, :photos])
Obviously it's not working. Is this my only option?
@contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => ['jobs.name LIKE ? AND
group_id = ?', 'Teacher%', current_contact.group], :include =>
[:jobs, :photos])
:conditions =>
"jobs.name LIKE 'Teacher%' AND group_id = #{current_contact.group}"
Quoting Sijo Kg <rails-mailing-list@andreas-s.net>:
Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote:
> Quoting CoolAJ86 <coolaj86@gmail.com>:
>> [:jobs, :photos])
> :conditions =>
> "jobs.name LIKE 'Teacher%' AND group_id = #{current_contact.group}"
> HTH,
> Jeffrey
Passing a string to :conditions like this welcomes sql injection attacks
So can it be avoided and pass an array instaed like in last post by
fred?Am I right?
Only if current_contact.group is string. I assumed that it is an integer, in
which case, no SQL injection attack is possible for this call.