Can :conditions use an array and a dictionary together?

This is what I'm trying to do:

@contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => [[" LIKE ?", 'Teacher%'], {:group_id =>}], :include => [:jobs, :photos])

Obviously it's not working. Is this my only option? @contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => [' LIKE ? AND group_id = ?', 'Teacher%',], :include => [:jobs, :photos])

Quoting CoolAJ86 <>:

This is what I'm trying to do:

@contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => [[" LIKE ?", 'Teacher%'], {:group_id =>}], :include => [:jobs, :photos])

Obviously it's not working. Is this my only option? @contacts = Contact.find(:all, :conditions => [' LIKE ? AND group_id = ?', 'Teacher%',], :include => [:jobs, :photos])

:conditions =>     " LIKE 'Teacher%' AND group_id = #{}"

HTH,   Jeffrey

In general that is about it. In this particular case it looks like you could do :all, :conditions => [[" LIKE ?", 'Teacher%'], ...

assuming that group has_many contacts


Quoting Sijo Kg <>:

Jeffrey L. Taylor wrote: > Quoting CoolAJ86 <>: >> [:jobs, :photos]) > :conditions => > " LIKE 'Teacher%' AND group_id = #{}" > > HTH, > Jeffrey

Passing a string to :conditions like this welcomes sql injection attacks So can it be avoided and pass an array instaed like in last post by fred?Am I right?

Only if is string. I assumed that it is an integer, in which case, no SQL injection attack is possible for this call.


In general that is about it. In this particular case it looks like you could do :all, :conditions => [[" LIKE ?", 'Teacher%'], ...

As I understand it, that won't eager-load (join) groups, jobs, and contacts together.

See, as I iterate through contacts I want to pull group and job information without excess database calls.