Hash and condition


I would like to use hash in my condition

   1. User.find(:all, :conditions=>{:first_name => 'akhil', :role => 'admin'})

it's working

User.find(:all,                :include => :profile,                :conditions=>{:band => 'bolo', :first_name => 'akhil', :role => 'admin'})

When i try this will generate this SQL WHERE (users."band" = 'bolo' AND users."first_name" = ''akhil' AND users."role" = 'admin')

But i would like the finder generate this SQL WHERE (profiles."band" = 'bolo' AND users."first_name" = ''akhil' AND users."role" = 'admin')

How i can do that ?


It's possible to do that ?

a = ["profiles.band" => "bolo", "users.irst_name" => "bolo"] User.find(:all,                :include => a,                :conditions=>a)