Camping or Rails for a Webmin-ish application?

I was thinking about creating a web-interface for managing a few things on my server, and started wondering what would be easiest to use when mainly running local-non-web code in the app. Like, the simplest operation would be just a button to the web-app, but when you push it, lots of ruby code will be done on the server, and the end result sent to the user. I don't think any database interaction would be applicable... (Except maybe a user-model)

You understand?



I was thinking about creating a web-interface for managing a few things on my server, and started wondering what would be easiest to use when mainly running local-non-web code in the app.

I think the ease of doing stuff will be the same, as they all support calling things in models.

The real question is, "Which one do you want to work with?"

I'd also add Merb on your list of candidates, but that's mainly because I've been having a lot of fun with it this week.

Camping should be plenty good enough to handle this, and is a lot smaller dependency than Rails. Go camping.