Beyond the simple select

I have 3 tables: pupils: id, name, born_date, sex courses: id, course_name, description pupilXcourse: pupil_id, course_id

Today I run a Pupil.find(:all) and send a json response to the browser, who shows a table of pupils and its attributes. I want to include in this listing on the browser a field showing what courses each pupil got. I don`t know the fast/easy method to achieve this. Maybe a custom, more complex, select statment, or a additional select with additional json request.

If you have hints or examples, it you be very welcome.

Thank you!

I have 3 tables: pupils: id, name, born_date, sex courses: id, course_name, description pupilXcourse: pupil_id, course_id

Today I run a Pupil.find(:all) and send a json response to the browser, who shows a table of pupils and its attributes. I want to include in this listing on the browser a field showing what courses each pupil got.

If you're just using Rails' to_json and you've got the appropriate associations then you can just do pupils.to_json :include => :courses


How will this ":include" change the json response? Since there is a list being selected, I need to parse it in the client side. I`m not using simple to_json, but to_ext_json (provided by the plugin:, but I think the "include" won`t change.

How will this ":include" change the json response? Since there is a

list being selected, I need to parse it in the client side. I`m not using simple to_json, but to_ext_json (provided by the plugin: , but I think the "include" won`t change.

Frederick Cheung escreveu:

How will this ":include" change the json response? Since there is a
list being selected, I need to parse it in the client side.
I`m not using simple to_json, but to_ext_json (provided by the plugin:
) ,
but I think the "include" won`t change.


Sorry for didn`t look at this doc before, but in really it was not

clear even the fact that :include is a to_json option.

The things was confuse for me.

Now it`s clear.

Thank you, Cheung!

Tom Lobato