rendering json for a child model with multiple parent models

I am trying to render json for a child model that belongs_to two parent models. The models represent a college course offering. Given a course, I want to show what sections (instances of a course) are offered, and during what terms (ie semester)

Model:   Course     has_many sections

  Term     has_many sections

  Section     belongs_to course     belongs_to section

I want to render the single course's details along with all sections. As such:

  render :json => @course.to_json(:include => :sections)

However, I would also like to include the term data above sections as a means to group the sections.

  courseA     term1       section_a       section_b     term2       section_c       section_d

Course is aware of Term only through Section

How can I go about doing this in the controller or the model? Can I accomplish this through to_json or must I override to_json? Perhaps my model associations need to be adjusted?

Thanks in advance!