Before 2.2 RC1 is pushed

Hi all,

Just sending this email to keep you guys in the loop as Rails 2.2 RC1 release is imminent. After the RC1 is release, no new features will be committed to the 2.2 branch and the API will be frozen as well. It'll all be about bug fixes then.

So before 2.2.RC1 is pushed, if you think any features should make it in, please let your voices be heard. Same goes for any critical bug fixes. If you have any pending patches that you want in 2.2, speak now.


It would be awesome if you could take a look at: #1179 [1].


[1] #1179 Fix a small typo in Multibyte - Ruby on Rails - rails


Hi all,

Just sending this email to keep you guys in the loop as Rails 2.2 RC1 release is imminent. After the RC1 is release, no new features will be committed to the 2.2 branch and the API will be frozen as well. It'll all be about bug fixes then.

So before 2.2.RC1 is pushed, if you think any features should make it in, please let your voices be heard. Same goes for any critical bug fixes. If you have any pending patches that you want in 2.2, speak now.

There are a number of tickets to do with :include from a variety of
people that at least deserve a look at. I'll dig em up


My patch on #1110, please. It’s a regression introduced in 2.1, and the patch is fairly straightforward.

Hi Pratik

Could we get this one in

Small bug fix for image_tag generating a bad URL when running on Windows.

cheers madlep

I posted this here last Monday and it's small...


That was one i was thinking of. Another was #1104 references_eager_loaded_tables? should search tables in :join clauses - Ruby on Rails - rails which turns out not to have a patch yet.

Finally, a small patch of my own: (which personally I mostly want because I've been working on making :include of hmt a bit leaner and need that patch to cover all cases)


Applying this makes it possible to fix the #1110 issue for HABTM also (otherwise it’s fixed for everything but HABTM) - I’ve attached a second patch to #1110 for that.

Hey guys,

This is not a Rails 2.2 issue, but would love to see this fixed in the official exception_notification git repos:

Basically just so that the edge version of the exception_notification plugin will work with Rails 2.2RC.

If it helps, it’s a very trivial fix :slight_smile:

Cheers, Chu Yeow

So before 2.2.RC1 is pushed, if you think any features should make it in, please let your voices be heard. Same goes for any critical bug fixes. If you have any pending patches that you want in 2.2, speak now.

There is also this small enhancement that adds support for index length in MySQL adapter and schema dumper:

So before 2.2.RC1 is pushed, if you think any features should make it in, please let your voices be heard. Same goes for any critical bug fixes. If you have any pending patches that you want in 2.2, speak now.

The patch included in #1011 [1] fixes a bug introduced into Active Resource when dealing with nested resources.

[1] #1011 Re-add to_xml to ActiveResource - Ruby on Rails - rails

Hey Chu Yeow,

I pushed that. The plugin still seems broken on the edge.


Thanks Pratik.

Oops, I am not Rails edge but I kinda assumed the Object#send! bug was the only problem.

I’m having problems running on edge Rails at the moment due weird database disconnection bugs after the connection pooling patch. If I do manage to upgrade any of my apps to edge (I’ll try the RC at the least), I’ll be sure to send in a patch to exception_notification if necessary :slight_smile:

У Аўт, 07/10/2008 у 19:21 +0800, Cheah Chu Yeow піша:

I'm having problems running on edge Rails at the moment due weird database disconnection bugs after the connection pooling patch. If I do manage to upgrade any of my apps to edge (I'll try the RC at the least), I'll be sure to send in a patch to exception_notification if necessary :slight_smile:

Connection pool bugs should be resolved now. BTW, I upgraded to edge last thursday and had to fix only send! in exception_notification.

Hey Andrew,

I've pushed that with some minor changes.


Cody : Patch is missing documentation.

Fred : Let's handle that :select issue post 2.2



I updated the current patch with some additional documentation.

If possible, I would like to see #1083[1] committed. It make calls to private methods on association proxies consistent with the behavior added in #1084[2], which was committed on 24 September.

Thanks, Adam

[1] [2] #1084 ActiveRecord attributes should respect access control - Ruby on Rails - rails

I've given up trying to patch the first one Frederick Cheung wanted (1104-references_eager_loaded_tables-should-search-tables-in-join- clauses), in favor of this approach:

Patch and doc is submitted, can we get this reviewed/committed?

-David Stevenson