attachment_fu on Windows?

My guess is it's the Ruby version and the temp file issue that is your problem. I took the following steps and was able to get it to work on Windows

1. Installed rmagick via the instructions on

2. Installed AttachmentFU via

    ruby script/plugin install

3. In C:\ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\tempfile.rb

      # Modified per       # for the "JPEG datastream contains no image" bug       # @tmpfile =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT| File::EXCL, 0600)       @tmpfile =, File::RDWR|File::CREAT|File::EXCL| File::BINARY, 0600)

You might also want to review to see if you haven't missed anything.


How about rolling back to 1.8.4 just to verify whether it's the ruby release?

I also encountered this problem with attachment_fu. I tested it with the tempfile patch as well.

Quite maddening actually since I don’t have a solution for it.



If you want, email me your zipped app and I'll check if it works in my environment.


I'm stuck like everyone else on the "0" filesize. Everything else seems to work however.

Here is a step-by-step blog post on how my dev environment is setup:


Well I finally was able to reproduce the infamous zero size error. I'm not sure if it's the same one your talking about but if so I think I have some more clues as to the cause and a possible workaround.

First, I didn't have any problems before when I save the new image via the parent object via

house.images << new_image # Saved via the parent

I also modified the attachment_fu a bit to accept .bmp files as images and everything continued to work. When I removed the parent from the save operation via = house

all the sudden the .bmp files stopped working with the zero size error. So I started looking through the code and noticed that for some reason the .bmp files are being sent as Files and not StringIOs. I haven't looked into why one is a StringIO and the other is a File but I'm guessing it has something to do with the content type and Mongrel. Regardless if it's a file it took a different path through the code.

Here's the uploaded_data=(file_data) method where the the path split. By adding in the read and commenting out setting the path I was able to fix it on my machine.

    def uploaded_data=(file_data)         return nil if file_data.nil? || file_data.size == 0         self.content_type = file_data.content_type         self.filename = file_data.original_filename if respond_to? (:filename)         if file_data.is_a?(StringIO)           file_data.rewind           self.temp_data =         else           self.temp_data =           #self.temp_path = file_data.path         end       end

Unfortunately I don't know what repercussions the fix might have. Could the prior posters with the error verify if this fixes the zero size error? Remember to restart your server after the change.



I had a different, but maybe related, problem with attachment_fu on XP. Coincidentally, I just sent an email to Rick about five minutes ago.

To rephrase my email to him>>

I added this line of code at line 161 in attachment_fu.rb to fix a problem on Windows machines where all incoming images are corrupted by extraneous line-feed characters. I am developing on windows currently, so this stung me.

At line 161 of attachment_fu.rb:          tmp.binmode

The binary mode issue on Windows is discussed on this wiki page: if you're interested in more info. This should not harm the app on linux based on my prior experience with this bug (in my previous photo handling model). Thanks again,


Eric Northam wrote:

Well I finally was able to reproduce the infamous zero size error. I'm not sure if it's the same one your talking about but if so I think I have some more clues as to the cause and a possible workaround.

How do you recreate this error? I would like to submit a patch to ruby core :slight_smile: -=R