Hi All,
Just to share with you, after many hours of hair scratching, 10 cubs of coffee and sleepless night, i finally got attachement_fu creating thumbnail for me...
BUT, there is a mysterious problem i encounter.
What i learnt 1. I realize that i must create a parent_id in the photos table according to the instruction, othewise, thumbnail wont get generated.
What I dont understand 1. I dont know why i cant allow a bigger file size to be uploaded. Consider below photo.rb model file i got
has_attachment :content_type => :image, :storage => :file_system, :processor => 'Rmagick', :path_prefix => 'public/files', :thumbnails => { :thumb => [50, 50]}, :max_size => 3000.kilobytes
Now, the max_size => is 3000 kilobytes, meaning 3kb ? even i changed it to 30000.kilobytes, it does not allow me to upload file size smaller than that.
I got this error..
1 error prohibited this photo from being saved
There were problems with the following fields:
* Size is not included in the list
The error message is rather misleading, I GUESS its trying to say "File Size exists limit"..but i have no idea.
Any suggestion will be good ?