wierd problem with attachment_fu plugin?

I'm using the attachment_fu plugin in the following manner to upload a file. http://khamsouk.souvanlasy.com/2007/5/1/ajax-file-uploads-in-rails-using-attachment_fu-and-responds_to_parent

I ge tthe following error if I upload a file that's over 1K or so. It works fine for small files (500 bytes or so):

    1 error prohibited this raw data file from being saved     There were problems with the following fields:       * Size is not included in the list

This is using the POST action in the scaffold_resource generated controller


  # POST /raw_data_files   # POST /raw_data_files.xml   def create     @raw_data_file = RawDataFile.new(params[:raw_data_file])

    respond_to do |format|       if @raw_data_file.save         flash[:notice] = 'RawDataFile was successfully created.'         format.html { redirect_to raw_data_file_url(@raw_data_file) }         format.xml { head :created, :location => raw_data_file_url(@raw_data_file) }       else         format.html { render :action => "new" }         format.xml { render :xml => @raw_data_file.errors.to_xml }       end     end   end

That's a validation error. Either you set your min/max values incorrectly, or you don't have rmagick/imagescience/minimagick so that attachment_fu can set the correct size.

I changed the following line in the model from

:max_size => 2.megabytes

to :size => 0.megabyte..2.megabytes

and it worked. Thanks rick!