Another RSS Feed question

I've searched the whole forums watched all the videos read the books and apparently there is about 1,000 ways to generate a rss feed. Which none of them worked for me.

I was going to reply to a post to continue the thread....

(which I followed and no success)

....but more questions I need answered.

I am running rails 2.3.2 and the furthest I've got to display a rss feed was by adding a auto_discovery_link which then brought me to a blank page. I've read that you must make a file in the veiw with these ext.

.rss.builder .rxml .xml.builder

Some controller settings

def rss   @posts = Post.all :order => "created_at DESC" end

def news   @incidents = Incident.find(:all, :conditions=>[‘updated_at > ?’,])   render :xml=>@incidents end

And about a 1,000 different xml templates which I won't list. I installed atom with no luck. I have 3 RoR right next to me with 3 different way to do RSS feeds. Do I just not understand xml? Is there something different with rails 2.3.2? I need some kind of tutorial or direction.

I am having the same issue on Rails 2.3.2.

I get "Missing template my_controller/my_action.erb" for / my_controller/my_action.rss

Even though I have a my_action.rss.builder template and map.connect "my_controller/my_action.:format", :controller => 'my_controller', :action => 'my_action' in routes.rb

Never mind, turns out I had a filter that forced the format to html...

Aaron Day wrote:

I've searched the whole forums watched all the videos read the books and apparently there is about 1,000 ways to generate a rss feed. Which none of them worked for me.


You tried all 1000 ways? I would suggest you pick one you like the look of and if you cannot get it to work then come back here with specific details of the problem and surely someone will help.
