XML/RSS doesn't generate

Hi guys,

Any ideas why my XML doesn't generate for an RSS feed? I have the following in rss.html.erb

[code=ruby]xml.instruct! :xml, :version => "1.0" xml.rss :version => "2.0" do   xml.channel do     xml.title ""     xml.link ""     xml.description ""     xml.language "en-gb"

    for word in Word.latest_words       xml.item do       xml.title word.word       xml.pubDate word.date_of_purchase       xml.link word.url     end     end   end end[/code] But when I run this page http://localhost:3000/words/rss, rather than generating xml, the page just displays the code as above.

Any suggestions?

rss.rss.builder would be more appropriate and you’re answering a format.rss, not format.html.

Best regards

Peter De Berdt