acts_as_ferret MultiIndex


I am working with Ferret and acts_as_ferret.

I have 9 different models that I am using for my search capability. acts_as_ferret is working beautifully when I do searches on a specific model.

The problems come when I try to do a `search all` function.

Check these posts, Ferret Pagination in Rails -

i think it would be easier to modify their versions to match yours. :slight_smile:

good luck

in one of my apps I did this:

<pre>   def search     if params[:search_article] && params[:search_article][:q] != ""       limit = 20       order_by = "title ASC"       @articles = Article.full_text_search(params[:search_article] [:q], limit, order_by)       order_by = "first_name ASC, last_name ASC"       @users = User.full_text_search(params[:search_article][:q], limit, order_by)       order_by = "first_name ASC, last_name ASC"       @birthdays = Birthday.full_text_search(params[:search_article] [:q], limit, order_by)     else       @birthdays =       @users =       @articles =       flash[:notice] = 'No fue encrontrado nada con esta criteria.'     end   end </pre>

model code:

<pre>   def self.full_text_search(q, limit, order_by)      return nil if q.nil? or q==""      results = self.find_by_contents(q,       :order => order_by,       :limit => limit      )      return results   end </pre>