acts as ferret no search results


I`m having trouble with acts_as_feret gem. It renders no results.

First I < require 'acts_as_ferret' > in enviroment.rb. Then I use < acts_as_ferret > in every model I need. (user, spec, detalii)

I made a serch form partial.

<% form_tag({ :action => "Search" }, :method => "get") do %> <fieldset>   <legend>Search</legend>     <div class="search">       <label for="q">Search:</label>       <%= text_field_tag "q", params[:q] %>       <input type="submit" value="Search" />     </div> </fieldset> <% end %>

And in the controller:

  def search     if params[:q]       query = params[:q]       @users = User.find_with_ferret(query, :limit => :all)       specs = Spec.find_with_ferret(query, :limit => :all)       detalii = Detalii.find_with_ferret(query, :limit => :all)

      hits = specs + detalii       @users.concat(hits.collect { |hit| hit.user }).uniq!

      @users.each { |user| user.spec ||= }       @users = @users.sort_by { |user| }       @users = @users.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 10)     end   end

running on:

windows 7 ruby 1.8.6 rails 2.3.4 acts_as_ferret 0.4.4 ferret 0.11.5-x86-mswin32 (using will_paginate for pagination)

Can someone please help me or give me some advice it would be much appreciated! And I would like to go on with ferret for now not with sphinx.
