I tried to use acts_as_authenticated on my site but I was getting some
errors. I went to techno-weenie and found that they depreciated that for
restful_authentication instead.
Well I place in one of my controllers before_filter :login_required and
I get this error:
"undefined method `authenticate_with_http_basic' for
Now I have been reading as much as I can online but I am not getting
anywhere. I think it may just be that I do not fully understand the
concept behind how this plugin works. When I was on the rails irc the
other day I was told that my situation was hard to analyze because I did
not provide any code.
What code exactly? I assume that I am able to place in before_filter
:login_required on any given controller and that would be the end of it
minus creating accounts. Am I mis-understood? Also, when I use this
script/generate authenticated user sessions --include-activation
I am not able to pull up any basic login/out pages as the templates are
I would not use basic templates in production to begin with but my point
here is I cannot seem to get the basics working and I think I am just
missing the point of this plugin.
"undefined method `authenticate_with_http_basic' for
What version of Rails are you using? authenticate_with_http_basic was
introduced in Rails 2.0.
Thats a good question. Using gem list I see 2.0.2. Now there is a
caveate with that I think..
First, I installed via Ubuntu's synaptic rails 1.4 prior to 2.0.2. I was
trying to use acts_as_authenticated then and I quickly learned through
google that I needed > 2.0. So I used gem install to get 2.0. - I
believe synaptic package manager still believes I have 1.4 installed
(maybe I should remove that?)
Once that was installed I shut-down/start-up the rails server. I also
noticed that in my environment.rb that RAILS_GEM_VERSION was still 1.4.
So I simply changed that number to reflect what was in gem list.
Is that an issue?
I was thinking I might want to backup my
controllers/views/models/migrates/etc and just rebuild the application?
I do not see why it should come to that though so I am holding back from
that option.
Is there a way that my rails app, which was installed in 1.4, is still
using 1.4 even though gem list says 2.0.2?
You can force rails to use a specific version by editing your
environment.rb file. You need to set the RAILS_GEM_VERSION to 2.0.2.
It is probably at 1.4 if your app was created before the update.