Accessing this group from a usenet reader?

Hi all,

I was wondering if this group was accessible from a usenet news reader client? Instead of through a web browser? I find newsgroups a lot easier to read on such client application. Or is this a Google Groups only group?

Cheers, Diego

I second this, though the interface is really nice, I'd love to see it in my Thunderbird :slight_smile:

Gmane is the place to go:

Point your news reader to and subscribe to gmane.comp.lang.ruby.rails.

But beware. The from address you're posting with must be a member of the Google Group "Ruby on Rails: Talk". Otherwise you can only read not post.

In my case I had to create a Google Groups account from to be able to post.

Bye Patric

Thanks for the info, Patric. I'd much rather read the group in Unison than a browser.
