A really good calendar data selector!! Take a look..

Chris wrote:

It's called dateblocks and its very easy to install


Welcome to the list! :slight_smile:

Cheers Mohit.

Mohit Sindhwani wrote:

Chris wrote:   

It's called dateblocks and its very easy to install


Welcome to the list! :slight_smile:

Cheers Mohit.    Sorry, Chris.. I just re-read my mail and realized that it may sound absurd.. :smiley:

Anyway, the subtitles for my email are as follows:

Thanks for the link and the recommendation. You're right - datebocks (what used to be called datebox) is absolutely fantastic and integrates into the application without any problem at all. What I did mean to say was that datebocks does come up in this list from time to time.. and I think many of the people here are quite familiar with it... which leads me to feel that you're new to the list - so, hey, welcome to the list! :smiley:

I guess all the shortcuts in Rails (and Ruby) are affecting my ability to articulate what I mean :smiley:

Cheers Mohit.