3.1.0 beta install how to ???


I am able to install rails 3.1 using the bundler. But I can not get it install on my system gem. I am using rvm.

I want to be able to create a new app using 3.1 from my system.




I am able to install rails 3.1 using the bundler. But I can not get it install on my system gem. I am using rvm.

I want to be able to create a new app using 3.1 from my system.

To install it to your system gems, do

sudo gem install rails -v 3.1

When you use sudo, it means you are making changes to your system gems.

akatebi@ubuntu:~$ gem install rails -v 3.1 ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'rails' (= 3.1) in any repository

akatebi@ubuntu:~$ gem install rails -v 3.1

ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘rails’ (= 3.1) in any repository

Just type sudo gem install rails. It will automatically fetch the latest release and sudo is important.

If you are on a different OS, replace sudo with the appropriate for administrative powers.

akatebi@ubuntu:~$ gem install rails -v 3.1 ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'rails' (= 3.1) in any repository

Rails 3.1 hasn't been released yet, and neither has a prerelease been released.

You can verify this by asking RubyGems to list the available prerelease gems:

$ gem list --remote --prelease rails

Bundler lets you specify a gem to be built from a Git repository, which I am guessing is what you've done. If you really want to install the latest Rails code as a gem in your system, you can check out the Rails code from GitHub and build the gem manually, then ask RubyGems to install it for you.

It is worth repeating the Rails 3.1 *does not exist yet*. It has not been released. The closest you can do is to use the latest development code from the Rails repository on GitHub.


Rails 3.1 beta 1 has been released on 05th May, 2011.

You can install the gem with command:

gem install rails --pre

For details refer:

Ritesh Kumar