i am new for rails. i installed rails like
$sudo gem install rails
it installed rails 3.0.9. while i am trying to create rails project like
$rails new sample -d mysql
it says rails currently not installed try to install ‘sudo apt-get install rails’ (i am using ubuntu10.10)
then i installed rails like,
$sudo apt-get install rails - it installed. Then i create my project it only create rails 2.3.5 project not rails 3.0.9 project.
then i checked rails version like
$ rails -v - it replied “Rails 2.3.5”
but in gem list rails 3.0.9 only installed.
why, i unable to create rails 3.0.9 project.
thank you…
No point using ruby via apt-get. You need to install RVM, and ruby.
An easy way is to use RailsReady - a one step ruby installation script.
PS: Kanchi has a LUG? thats news to me
I’m from Chennai myself 
use sudo gem install rails -v=3.0.9
follow the steps from my Github repo https://github.com/gezope/InstallingRailsOnUbuntu
and get me back if you still have problems. Important: if you're usig
RVM (you definitely should) then don't use 'sudo' for install. First I
think just use SQLite3.
Good lick
No point using ruby via apt-get. You need to install RVM, and ruby.
An easy way is to use RailsReady - a one step ruby installation script.
PS: Kanchi has a LUG? thats news to me
I’m from Chennai myself 
yes,kanchilug is one of the linux user group like indian linux user group chennai(ilugc).we contribute open source via our LUG. Our LUG activities here http://kanchilug.wordpress.com.
use sudo gem install rails -v=3.0.9
it says,
[dhastha@Dhastha:~] $ sudo gem install rails -v=3.0.9
[sudo] password for dhastha:
WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:
RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance.
Updating metadata for 1 gems from http://rubygems.org/
Updating metadata for 1 gems from http://rubygems.org/
ERROR: Could not find a valid gem ‘rails’ (= 3.0.9) in any repository
[dhastha@Dhastha:~] $