I have 2 controllers, say, "A", and "B". Associated with this, then, are 2 views, as well as 2 helpers.
Is it possible to have a helper method in a_helper.rb and a method of the same name in b_helper.rb?
A little more specifically, I have a helper method to display a chart; the helper method really just turns around and invokes a method on the controller and does a send_data to send the image. The implementation of the helper methods is a little bit different (given different controllers and images), but the intent was the same, so I named the helper method the same in both helpers. I would have thought that, while the "A" view was being rendered, only the "A" helper was available, but the error message I'm getting indicates that the helper from "B" is being invoked (I can easily tell because the B helper takes a parameter while the A helper does not).
Is it not possible to use the same helper method name in two different helpers?