Year Wierdness

Why is Rails displaying date like:

Sat Jan 01 13:31:00 UTC 2000

When the date is clearly correct in the database:

reverseblade_development=> select * from blogs;

id | postdate | posttitle | post | created_at | updated_at

Rilindo Foster wrote:

Why is Rails displaying date like:

Sat Jan 01 13:31:00 UTC 2000

When the date is clearly correct in the database:

reverseblade_development=> select * from blogs; id | postdate | posttitle | post | created_at | updated_at ----+----------+------------+-------+----------------------------+----------------------------   4 | 13:31:00 | Test again | again | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273 | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273

Your 'postdate' is stored as ... Just a time! So Rails defaults to Jan. 01, 2000. You may want to do a migration and change your column to a datetime... ? As usual, beware of modifying pre-existing data.

Why is Rails displaying date like:

Sat Jan 01 13:31:00 UTC 2000

When the date is clearly correct in the database:

reverseblade_development=> select * from blogs; id | postdate | posttitle | post | created_at > updated_at ----+----------+------------+-------+----------------------------+---------------------------- 4 | 13:31:00 | Test again | again | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273 | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273

postdate doesn't look like a date to me. It looks like a time...

Quoting Rilindo Foster <>:

Why is Rails displaying date like:

Sat Jan 01 13:31:00 UTC 2000

When the date is clearly correct in the database:

reverseblade_development=> select * from blogs; id | postdate | posttitle | post | created_at | updated_at
----+----------+------------+-------+----------------------------+----------------------------   4 | 13:31:00 | Test again | again | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273 | 2009-12-22 18:32:06.800273

Here is the code that displays the date:

<% @blogs.each do |blog| %>   <%=h blog.postdate%><br>   <%=h blog.posttitle %><br>   <%=h %><br>   <%= link_to 'Show', blog %>   <%= link_to 'Edit', edit_blog_path(blog) %>   <%= link_to 'Destroy', blog, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :delete %> <% end %>

Note: postdate column is a TIME (13:31:00), i.e. time of day. Use a datetime type in the database.

HTH,   Jeffrey

Oh my goodness you're right.

Unfortunately, I couldn't seem to change the column type gracefully with postgres:

(in /Users/rilindo/src/rrproj/reverseblade) == ModifyPostdateColumn: migrating =========================================== -- change_column(:blogs, :postdate, :datetime) rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PGError: ERROR: column "postdate" cannot be cast to type "pg_catalog.timestamp" : ALTER TABLE "blogs" ALTER COLUMN "postdate" TYPE timestamp

(See full trace by running task with --trace) tristan:reverseblade rilindo$ rake db:migrate (in /Users/rilindo/src/rrproj/reverseblade) == ModifyPostdateColumn: migrating =========================================== -- change_column(:blogs, :postdate, :datetime) rake aborted! An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:

PGError: ERROR: column "postdate" cannot be cast to type "pg_catalog.timestamp" : ALTER TABLE "blogs" ALTER COLUMN "postdate" TYPE timestamp

I ended up having to rename the column and added a new one:

class ModifyPostdateColumn < ActiveRecord::Migration   def self.up     rename_column :blogs, :postdate, :old_postdate     add_column :blogs, :postdate, :datetime   end

  def self.down     remove_column :blogs, :postdate     rename_column :blogs, :old_postdate, :postdate   end end

Now It is displaying the right date. Thanks!