will_paginate and checkboxes

Hi all, I am working on a project and I got excited to get pagination and ajax working. I am using rails 3.1. What I have is a form for creating a client, and inside that form i have a table that I have implemented ajax, search, sort, and pagination following a railscasts using will_paginate. The tables first column is a checkbox_tag for an HABTM relationship. This is working great...until I really got playing with it and I noticed that if you go to a new page or something the value of the checked box is lost! So if I check a box on page 1, then go to page 2 and hit create, only the item selected on page 2 is saved.

Anyone have any info on how I can use jquery or something to keep the checkboxes that are checked across multiple pages?? this is driving me crazy.

Ok so I solved my problem by creating two divs on the page. A table on the left that is paginated and has ajax search for assigning issues. Then another table on the right that just shows assigned issues. I have jquery watch for check box clicks and submit the form. The form is submitted remotely and just re renders the two divs. This way you can add issues by selecting them on the right, or remove them by unchecking them on the right.

I had a similar problem with radio buttons and pagination. I used jquery.dataTables to solve the problem. With dataTables, you do not need will_paginate. The dataTable widget handles all the pagination client side.

But if you handle the pagination client sided and have a table with a bazillion of entries then all the entries will be downloaded to the client bit your client will probably never go beyond the first couple of pages.

Just think of this in a mail application where you are viewing a folder with 10k mails in it.

In such cases I would really prefer some server side solution.

Who ever implements painted cheekbones should consider this when doing his specific solution.

Bye Norbert

Cavalry thanks for the suggestion, but I think what Norbert says makes sense to me. My table has over 120K entries. So i think there would be an issue doing it in that way, but I will definitely remember datagrids for my next project.