Will Paginate


I installed the will_paginate plugin and i used the coding below:


def show_tags @tags = Tag.find(:all,:conditions => ['name LIKE ?', '%A']).paginate(:per_page=>10, :page=>params[:page]) end

View show_tag <div id="reg_data">   <%= render :partial => 'tags/registry_tags' %> </div>

<%=will_paginate @tags ,:params => { :controller => 'tags', :action => 'update_tags'}%>

view tags/registry_tags

<%@tags.each do|tag|%> <div id="reg_row">   <div id="cbox">    <input type="checkbox">   </div> <%= tag.name%> </div> <%end%>

When i click on the will paginates, "Prev-next-1,2,...", it goes to the the controller side

def update_tags render :update do |page|    page.replace_html "reg_data",:partial=>"tags/registry_tags" end end

My problem is the div is not getting updated, like the way, a link_to_remote would have worked. I am able to see all the div commands and the expected data in a simple white screen after the second pagination click. Am i missing a simple coding here? Please help !!!

My problem is the div is not getting updated, like the way, a link_to_remote would have worked. I am able to see all the div commands and the expected data in a simple white screen after the second pagination click. Am i missing a simple coding here? Please help !!!

will_paginate doesn't generate ajax links by default. You can write a custom link renderer that does however (I think there are a few examples floating around of how to do this)
