At least 90% of the time I go to this site to see some information or to link somebody to one of the pages, it's down. The page quality on some of the pages isn't exactly up to "wiki standards" either and is sometimes out of date.

What is the cause for this downtime and what can be done to fix it? I'd like to extend lifo's idea of improving Rails documentation to improving the wiki documentation since this is what most new-comers would be experiencing, a Ruby on Rails site that has more downtime than Twitter on a "good" week.

At least 90% of the time I go to this site to see some information or to link somebody to one of the pages, it's down. The page quality on some of the pages isn't exactly up to "wiki standards" either and is sometimes out of date.

I completely agree. When I was just getting started with rails it often suprised and irritated me that the quality of this wiki seemed to be so poor.

What is the cause for this downtime and what can be done to fix it? I'd like to extend lifo's idea of improving Rails documentation to improving the wiki documentation since this is what most new-comers would be experiencing, a Ruby on Rails site that has more downtime than Twitter on a "good" week.

It also seems like the 'default' docs site hasn't been updated in forever and a day. What is the issue, do we just need some volunteers?

You say it like "we just need volunteers." I've worked feverishly to little result to wrangle people into writing Rails documentation.

If you know of a mythical large group of people who want to write docs, then please whip them into a documentation fury and unleash them upon Rails.


Lifo's doc-rails github project was made for that purpose and it increased the documentation exceptionally. Sure, there still needs work to be done, but if you tell people "hey, this needs fixing" surely somebody will volunteer.

These people have a lot of time on their hands, go ask for volunteers on Pradiptas Rolodex (yes, I was on the original email):

-- Chad

You say it like "we just need volunteers." I've worked feverishly to little result to wrangle people into writing Rails documentation.

If you know of a mythical large group of people who want to write docs, then please whip them into a documentation fury and unleash them upon Rails.


<=== Volunteer.

The OP was about the technical issues.

I've also been trying to contribute to the rails wiki, but have been frustrated by (1) the site being down often, and (2) not being able to do anything about spammers on it.

We've migrated the wiki to Phusion Passenger (and Ruby Enterprise Edition) yesterday, so it shouldn't go down often anymore.