whyt should i use mongrel_cluster ?

why should i use mongrel_cluster in my rails application? What are its benefits for which i should install and configure it ? is webrick server not enough for rails application?


Read up what a mongrel cluster is. If the answer to your question is not then obvious ask it again.


I was using mongrel_cluster in conjunction with Vlad The Impaler some time ago. Compared to a cloud hosting platform such as Heroku, this is quite difficult to setup since you’ll have to set up SSH keys, think of a port the mongrel should run on (one that isn’t in use!) and when you have multiple apps, every app should have its own port. If you want multiple mongrels per app this means multiple port ranges.

All in all, I just moved to Heroku since it’s free anyway. I was paying (but not much) for the other Rails hosting, but they didn’t have any support for it anyway. Using mongrel_cluster is nice to play around with, but it doesn’t give you much in terms of convenience.