Why won't write_attribute(:price, value*100) work in the console?


I'm confused as to why this code example (from a book) won't work. They want to store a price in cents, but be able to set it and query it in Euros. To this end they are overwriting the getter and setter methods.

In my model:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base   def price     Product.read_attribute(:price)/100.0   end   def price=(value)     Product.write_attribute(:price, value*100)   end end

In the console: r = Product.new => #<Product id: nil, name: nil, price: nil, enabled: true, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

r.price = 10 NoMethodError: undefined method `write_attribute' for #<Class:0x6182658>

There is no mention of a typo in the book's errata, write_attribute doesn't appear to have been removed from rails, so I'm guessing something changed with rails which makes this not work.

I did some googling and saw that shorthand for read/write_attribute() is self

I tried the following and it worked great:

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base   def price     self[:price]/100.0   end   def price=(value)     self[:price] = value*100   end end

r = Product.new => #<Product id: nil, name: nil, price: nil, enabled: true, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>

r.price = 10 => 10

Could anyone tell me why the first example produces a NoMethodError and the second one works just fine?

Thanks very much.

Could anyone tell me why the first example produces a NoMethodError and the second one works just fine?

because read/write_attribute are instance methods, but you're trying to call them on Product (ie a class). self.read_attribute (or just read_attribute) should work fine


Cheers Fred,

That was actually embarrassingly obvious. Thanks for your help.